Workshops Push Forward Digital Inclusion in Avondale

The Avondale Digital Inclusion Project, a collaboration between Uptown Consortium, Inc. (UCI), the Avondale Development Corporation (ADC) and the University of Cincinnati (UC) to assess digital access, needs, and resources in Avondale, recently completed its third digital skills workshop and plans to celebrate this July. 

The partnership is designed to ensure that all members of the community benefit from the revitalization of Uptown. Avondale is the largest Black neighborhood in Cincinnati and Uptown is the region’s second-largest employment hub, comprised of five diverse neighborhoods. Recognizing the importance of digital inclusion, the project focuses on identifying how to connect Avondale residents to reliable internet, devices, technical support and training.

The project kicked off in the fourth quarter of 2021 and gathered insights during the study phase that was completed in 2022. Residents identified the importance of digital inclusion and how lack of access to resources, information, employment, healthcare and education affects their daily lives.

The study outlined four action steps: (1) Develop support systems for digital skills; (2) Reduce the financial burden of internet access; (3) Expand Wi-Fi options and enhance quality service; and (4) Expand device access.

In 2023, UCI, ADC and UC partnered to create, launch and implement Digital Skills Workshops in Avondale thanks to grants from the PNC Foundation and the United Way EY Digital Divide Fund.

The Need

According to Brooke Rapp, Director of Community Development and External Relations at UCI, the need is great. “The data says it all and confirms that Avondale is a critical site for digital equity and investment,” she shared, “When compared to the City of Cincinnati overall, more Avondale residents report they do not have access to the internet (Avondale = 26%; Cincinnati = 13%;), and a greater percentage of Avondale residents do not have access to a computer (Avondale = 16%; Cincinnati = 11%). In addition, disparities also exist among Black residents who do not have access to a computer (Avondale = 17%; Cincinnati = 11%) and low-income residents who do not have access to the internet (Avondale = 13%; Cincinnati = 4%),” she said.

Digital Skills Workshops

The workshops are for young people, middle-aged adults/parents and older adults (60+). Tech-savvy individuals, called "tech caregivers," often help family and friends with digital devices. Digital skills workshops in Avondale have amplified the impact of these caregivers by creating step-by-step cards that they can use to walk through digital tasks with others and leave with them so that they can continue performing tasks independently. In addition, participants can return as leaders and become paid facilitators.

Each workshop partnered with a community organization already bringing the three priority populations together: Avondale Youth Council, Rockdale Academy and Serving Older Adults Through Changing Times (SOACT). In addition, each workshop was held at a community center, including the Avondale Business Center, Rockdale Academy Computer Lab and the Hirsch Recreation Center.

ADC works to improve the quality of life in the neighborhood through real estate development and resident-centered community engagement. According to Patrick Cartier, ADC’s Director of Operations & Community Engagement, the workshops offered an opportunity for multigenerational support and connection. “Youth had the opportunity to engage at all three workshops,” he shared. They were participants at the first session, and then helped to serve as paid facilitators at the other two sessions.

UC recently mobilized its change-making Digital Futures Building, located in the heart of Uptown. The Digital Futures Building brings together more than 20 multi-disciplinary research labs and technology-based teams, including the Smart Synergies Lab, focused on community innovation and civic technology. Jess Kropczynski, a Co-Leader of Smart Synergies and Associate Professor at the School of Information Technology shared, “UC students have worked side-by-side with Avondale residents to solve the digital divide by providing needed digital skills in Avondale. Watching residents gain knowledge has been powerful.”

Celebration and Next Steps

You're invited! Join us for the Digital Skills Celebration on July 13, 2023, from 5-6:30 pm at the Digital Futures Building in Avondale (3080 Exploration Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45206). Hosted by Uptown Consortium, Inc., the Avondale Development Corporation and the University of Cincinnati. Guests will enjoy food, music and an overview of the partner’s efforts to date.

The celebration will bring together all three populations that participated and facilitated Avondale's digital skills workshops and the neighborhood and regional stakeholders that support the efforts to celebrate the creation and distribution of the digital skills flashcards that can be taken home and placed at community hubs. Youth facilitators will receive a certificate for their facilitating roles and all attendees will receive a gift bag with items that can be used in the digital world.

Thanks to grants received by the Cincinnati Bell Foundation and Fifth Third Empowering Black Futures, the partners will also announce ‘what’s next’ at the celebration, including future workshops, based on participant interest and feedback to date: basic computer skills, MyChart, artificial intelligence, online games, YouTube and social media, and security and privacy.  In addition, office hours will be launched, providing technical support in the community on a weekly basis.

If you would like to attend the celebration, please complete the form here. Reach out to Brooke Rapp if you have any questions.

UCI, ADC and UC will continue to support the long-term goals to support the ongoing needs of the priority community populations.